
Sina RoMo

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Product Introduction

Glenohumeral joint mobilization robotic system is a rehabilitation treatment system that has the ability to perform joint mobilization treatment robotically. This system is able to perform the joint mobilization treatment that is currently done manually by physiotherapists in physiotherapy clinics robotically and through joint support grippers. The main advantages of using this system in the discussion of ergonomic correction and improvement of treatment conditions under the full supervision of a physiotherapist and also in relation to increasing the quality of mobilization treatment in terms of the accuracy of the treatment technique.

The robotic joint mobilization system is currently designed and built only for the glenohumeral joint, and this model is suitable for physiotherapists active in the field of treatment of patients with glenohumeral joint hypomobility with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality of treatment and highlighting the physiotherapist Accuracy and continuity of implementation in joint treatments.

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benefits include:

  • • Ability to increase the accuracy of applying force and displacement in the joint using the mechanism of scaling applied movements
  • • Converting a qualitative and subjective treatment into a quantitative and objective treatment
  • • Creating ergonomic working conditions for physiotherapists and thus reducing fatigue in performing various treatments
  • • Providing a platform for collecting quantitative data on the condition of the joint with hypomobility
  • • Creating an important context for evaluating the patient’s therapeutic progress in different sessions in a quantitative manner